Yelena Podkopayeva's peasant farm is ready to increase its dairy herd to 200 heads: ИА «Кам 24»

Yelena Podkopayeva's peasant farm is ready to increase its dairy herd to 200 heads

11 сентября 2019, 14:29 7370

Elena Podkopaeva’s plan is to double the milking herd of the peasant farm, which today has about a hundred heads. The material and technical base of the farm needs an update too. She plans to build a modern cowshed, hayloft, a section for the primary processing of milk, a slaughterhouse, and some administrative buildings. Investments required for the evelopment are about 30 million rubles. A number of new jobs will be also created due to this project.

During the implementation of the investment project, Elena Podkopaeva hopes to receive a status of resident of TAD «Kamchatka».

Development corporation of Kamchatka supports the project. The Corporation forms the general concept of the investment initiative and helps to prepare the package of documents necessary both for the implementation of the project itself and for getting a status of a TAD resident.

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