The Government of Kamchatka creates comfortable conditions for business in the region: ИА «Кам 24»

The Government of Kamchatka creates comfortable conditions for business in the region

19 февраля 2020, 16:52 7832

Famous Russian political scientists and economists continue to discuss the results of research of the problems of developing domestic tourism in Russian Federation conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) and the Regional Policy Development Centre on the pages of the federal informational and analytical Internet publication National Expert. According to the research results, the Kamchatka is among the Russian regions that are the most attractive for domestic travellers.

Experts are unanimous in that the reasons for the stable interest in the region are not only the natural monuments of the peninsula, but also the successes of the Kamchatka Government, development institutions and the business community in the forming of the hospitality industry and the promoting of a positive image of Kamchatka. They also determine possible directions for the further development of the tourism industry and hospitality industry of Kamchatka Krai.

Expert assessments were made by well-known Russian political scientists Yaroslav Ignatovsky, Dmitry Mikhaylichenko, Ilya Paimushkin, Sergey Stankevich and Andrei Shuklin.

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Явшоке (гость) | 21 февраля 2020 г, 08:19

Is this picture our kamchatka goverment?who isgubernator?

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