Surfing in Kamchatka is unusual and exciting. Сёрфинг на Камчатке – это необычно и захватывающе: ИА «Кам 24»

Surfing in Kamchatka is unusual and exciting. Сёрфинг на Камчатке – это необычно и захватывающе

12 сентября 2019, 16:23 6827

Britain, Sweden, France, Moscow and dozens of other Russian cities - guests from different parts of the world have already visited Kamchatka surfing school «Quiksilver», which is led by an individual entrepreneur Alexey Leshchev.

This year, Alexey (who is a great fan of surfing himself) has begun to implement the announced investment project, which supposes building of a surf shelter at the Khalaktyrsky beach.

«Surfing here has a number of special features due to the climate of the region» says Alexey Leshchev. «Kamchatka is quite different from Hawaii, for example. This summer we had only 12 sunny days. And nowadays winter surfing is becoming more and more popular in Kamchatka. That’s why we need buildings instead of tents, that would firstly, meet the conditions of the territory that can be hit by tsunami, and, secondly, provide our guests with convenient accommodation and the comfort of doing sports. This means that the lodgings must be heated, suitable for drying surf wetsuits, and meet a number of other requirements». 

Development corporation of Kamchatka supports the project.

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