«Kamchatka: business gets more and more opportunities»: ИА «Кам 24»

«Kamchatka: business gets more and more opportunities»

17 сентября 2019, 15:37 6754

Analytical correspondence discusses the main business events of Kamchatka in the first two weeks of autumn.

For example, the opening of «My Business» – a new institute to support business activity in the region, the meeting of the regional governor Vladimir Ilyukhin with the entrepreneurs, where they discussed the ways to reduce the pressure of control and supervisory bodies on business.

The Government of the region is also considering the ways to give wider access to small and medium-sized enterprises to the market segments, that are practically monopolized by state and municipal enterprises.

The correspondence also considers agreements reached at the Eastern Economic Forum on the implementation of investment projects in Kamchatka. 14 documents have been signed. The amount of the investments attracted to the economy of the region has almost reached 47 billion rubles.

The author specially mentions that the Far Eastern Natural Resources LLC has reached a status of resident of the territory of priority development. The company is going to develop the Krutogorovskoye coal deposit. The amount of financing of the investment project is about $ 600 million.

The author comes to the conclusion that the active work of the Krai Government and business communities of Kamchatka in order to increase entrepreneurial activity in the region, create a favorable business environment and further develop the investment attractiveness of the peninsula is going on.

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