One of the largest Chinese company highly appreciates the collaboration with DCK: ИА «Кам 24»

One of the largest Chinese company highly appreciates the collaboration with DCK

24 сентября 2019, 00:00 5812

Development Corporation of Kamchatka recently received a letter from a Chinese partner - China Machinery Industry Construction Group Inc. (SINOCONST).

In this letter Mr. Xu Yanlin General Director of one of the largest state-owned construction companies in the PRC, expressed his gratitude to the Corporation and said that he appreciated the result of joint work in the framework of the implementation of the agreements enshrined in the cooperation agreement.

It was signed at the Russian-Chinese EXPO-2019. The strategic cooperation agreement provides for the interaction of the parties in the implementation of key infrastructure projects on the peninsula.

Within the framework of the implementation of their contractual obligations, a group of SINOCONST’s top managers visited Kamchatka in August, and held a series of negotiations with representatives of the regional government and the Development Corporation of Kamchatka.

This letter from SINOCONST to the Corporation is connected with the plans of Chinese partners to participate in the implementation of these exactly projects. The General Director of China Machinery Industry Construction Group Inc. invites representatives of the Corporation to visit China "in order to further implement the Agreement and to continue work on implementation in the field

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